байдлаар утсаа гээх, хулгайд алдсан тохиолдолд бид дэмий л харамсаад
өнгөрдөг. Тэгвэл бидэнд алдсан утсаа олох боломж байгааг дуулгая.
iPhone загварын утастай бол хэн нэгний адилхан утсанд нэг Applications
суулгаад Apple-ийн айдигаа ашиглаж Google map-ийн тусламжтайгаар олж
болно. Харин iPhone, Samsung-аас бусад төрлийн андройд утастай бол
www.androidlost.com сайтад бүртгүүлсэн байх шаардлагатай.
хэсгээс Find my mobile гэснийг сонгоход таны утас яг одоо хаана байгааг
Google map-ээр гаргаж ирнэ. Харин яг доор нь байгаа Start tracking
гэснийг сонгосноор 12 цагийн турш 15 минутын зайтайгаар таны утас хаана
байгааг мэдээлнэ. Энд бага зэрэг бэрхшээлтэй зүйл нь зөвх өн байгаа
байшинг л заана. Гэхдээ энэ сул талыг дараагийн боломжууд нөхөх
хэсэг рүү орж утсаа шинээр кодтой болгож түгжих боломжтой. Дотроо
дараах сонголтуудтай. The following message will be displayed on your
mobile (дараах мессеж утасны дэлгэцэнд харагдах болно) гэсэн талбарт
утсаа түгжинг үүт дэлгэц дээр нь гаргахыг хүссэн текстээ бичиж оруулна.
Анх ороход “Энэ бол алдагдсан утас. Би өөрөө тантай холбогдтол хадгалж
байхыг хүсье. Баярлалаа” гэж англиар бичигдсэн байх бөгөөд та өөрчилж
болно. Дараагийн хэсэгт Монгол гэж сонгоод ард нь ойр дотны нэг хүнийхээ
гар утасны дугаарыг оруулна. Тэр дугаар руу утсаа түгжсэний дараа таны
утсанд хийсэн сим карт буюу дугаараас хаясан утсыг түгжсэн тухай мессеж
ирнэ. Мэдээж та тухайн дугаар руу залгаж, мессеж бичиж болно. Харин утас
түгжигдсэний дараа дэлгэцэн дээр таны оруулсан дугаар гарах бөгөөд
утсыг нь авсан хүн тэр дугаар руу л залгаж болно. Өөр ямар ч үйлдэл хийх
боломжг үй. Хамгийн сүү- лийн хэсэгт дурын дөрвөн оронтой тоогоо
оруулах бөгөөд утсаа олсны дараа түгжээг нь гаргах код гэсэн үг юм. Энэ
нь пин код, утасны кодоос чинь өөр бөгөөд ганц л удаа хэрэглэгдэнэ. За
эцэст нь Lock товчийг дарах л үлдлээ.
гэснийг дарснаар утасны дуу болон чичиргээг хаах болон өөр байдлаар
хэрхэн тохируулснаас үл шалтгаалан нэг минутын турш хамгийн чанга дээрээ
улаанаар түгшүүрийн дохио дуугарах болно. Бас тэр үед дэлгэцэн дээр
гарах мессежийг та хүссэнээрээ бичиж оруулж болно. Анхны тохиргоон
дээрээ “Энэ бол хулгайн утас” гэсэн байдаг.
CALL LOGS Retreive
дарахад л хангалттай. Таны утаснаас сүүлийн долоон хоногт залгасан бүх
дугаарын жагсаалт гарч ирнэ. Гэхдээ нэг анхаарах зүйл нь тухайн хүн
залгасан дугаараа устгачихсан байгаа тохиолдолд гарахгүй. Мөн клип
үйлчилгээг хаалттай тохиолдолд харах боломжгүй.
WIPE OUT MY MOBILE Энэ их хэрэгтэй хэсэг, ялангуяа утсан дээрээ нууц материал хадгалсан хүмүүс мэдээллүүдээ устгана гэсэн үг. Та нууц, эсвэл зүгээр л хэн нэгэнд үзүүлмээргүй материал утсан дээрээ хадгалсан бол утсаа олох хүртлээ ашиглахаас өмнө устгаж болно гэсэн үг. Энэ хэсэг хоёр сонголттой. Wipe the removable storage area. гэсэн хэсэгт memory карт эсвэл сим картнаас алинаас нь устгахаа сонгоно. Хоёулангаас нь ч болно. Дараагийн Factory Data Reset гэснийг мэдэж байгаа байх. Утсаа анх үйлдвэрээс авахад ямар байсан тэр хэлбэрт оруулна гэсэн үг. Үүнийг сонгосноор утаснаас салдаг санах ойнууд буюу мемори карт зэргээс бусад утсан дээрх бүх файл устана. Анхаарах нэг зүйл нь дараа нь тэдгээрийг сэргээх ямар ч боломжгүй. Тийм учраас энэ нөхцөлийг хүлээн зөвш өөрч байгаа гэдгээ тэмдэглэсний дараа утасныхаа нууц кодийг оруулан wipe out буюу устгах гэснийг сонгосноор бүх зүйлээ устгаж болно.
скрийнийг unlock болгоно. Утасны screen lock Pattern, pin, password,
царайгаа харуулдаг, дуу хоолойгоороо нээдэг гээд түгжээтэй байдаг.
Түүнийг нь байхгүй болгож кодгүй нээгддэг болгоно гэсэн үг. Эцэст нь
хэлэхэд нэтг үй байсан ч олох бас нэг арга байна. Самсунг загварын
утаснуудад tracker гэдэг сонголт байдаг. Тэр хэсэгт ойр дотны нэг
хүнийхээ дугаарыг оруулаад, дурын текстээ бичнэ. Таны утсанд өөр сим
карт оронгуут тэр дугаараас сануулсан мессеж ирдэг. Тэр дугаараар хайхад
л хангалттай.

You love your smartphone. You never go anywhere without it and you have steadily loaded it up with more and more of your personal data. You have dozens of the latest and greatest apps, and you constantly reach for your phone to play video games, enjoy your favorite TV shows, and occasionally watch a full-length movie.
And then suddenly the unthinkable happens: Your smartphone is lost. Maybe you left it in the back of a taxi cab, or maybe it slipped out of your bag when you were checking in at the airport. Whatever happened, it’s now gone and your indispensable electronic friend has been replaced by a feeling of rising panic and the inevitable question: ‘What do I do now?’
Luckily, several apps have been developed for the sole purpose of finding lost cell phones. You no longer have to wait and hope that someone will find your phone, go through your address book and call up a friend. Now, you can be pro-active and start the search yourself. Here are just a few of the apps that can help:
Today's mobile devices have evolved into pocket-sized computers, as they can perform many of the same tasks as your PC or Mac – including accessing email, browsing the web, creating work documents and playing games, music and TV shows.
So with all this data you're likely carrying around, it's important to protect it from falling into the wrong hands.
The first thing you should do – as a precautionary measure – is to set up a PIN number or password to gain access to your smartphone. It's a drag to type in a code every time you want to use your phone, but you'll be thankful you did if and when it's lost or stolen.
Related: Five ways your smartphone can save you money
Without knowing this passcode or password, a thief cannot access the phone. They could erase everything, sure, but not access your data. Alternatively, Android devices can be locked by a finger gesture, which may be faster, but the latest Android 4.0 ("Ice Cream Sandwich") smartphones also offer a facial recognition feature – but don't use this as you can fool the camera with a photo of the phone owner.
The second way to protect your information is to set up any of the free "remote access" apps offered by the smartphone makers - and in some cases, third parties. If your phone goes missing, you can remotely log into the phone to track it on a map and work with the authorities to retrieve it (don't try this yourself). You can also remotely lock the phone, display a message, have it ring loudly (in case it's under the cushions) or wipe its data clean.
Here's what you need to do, whether you're on an iPhone, BlackBerry, Android or Windows Phone device.
Related: How to extend smartphone battery life
iPhone users
Find My iPhone is a custom iPhone locator app, which is built into iOS, Apple’s mobile operating system. You go to Settings, tap iCloud, and enable Find My iPhone. Then if you misplace your phone, you can sign in to iCloud from any computer or web-enabled device. The approximate location of your iPhone will be displayed on a map.
With last week’s release of iOS 6, Find My iPhone now includes Lost Mode, which further helps locate and secure a lost device. If your iPhone is missing, you can immediately lock your phone with a 4-digit passcode and send a message that will display a contact number on the home screen of your phone. This enables anyone finding the phone to call you from your locked screen without accessing any other data. While in Lost Mode, the device will also keep track of where it’s been and report back to you anytime you check in with the Find My iPhone app.
Find My iPhone also has security features that will allow you to lock or “wipe” your iPhone if you think it has been stolen or if your efforts to recover it have been unsuccessful. Initiating a remote wipe restores the phone to its factory settings. If you eventually find the phone, then you can recover your contacts and data using the iCloud backup.
Keep in mind that Find My iPhone and Lost Mode will only work if the phone is turned on and connected to a cellular or Wi-Fi network.
Android Users
While there is no custom Google app to help track down a missing Android phone, there are plenty of third-party apps that can do the same job. Perhaps the most comprehensive are two security apps. The first is Lookout, which allows you to track your phone online via GPS, and also remotely lock and wipe your phone if you believe it’s stolen or permanently missing. Lookout Premium (which is the version with the lock and wipe features) is a subscription-based app, which costs $2.99 a month or $29.99 a year. It also comes with backup features and a certain level of virus protection. (There is also a Lookout app for the iPhone.)
The other security app is WaveSecure from McAfee, which offers location and SIM card tracking, backup and restore, and lock and wipe. WaveSecure costs $19.90 a year after a 7 day free trial.
SeekDroid ($2.99) is another app that offers a slew of features for tracking down a lost or stolen Android phone. You can access a web site to locate your device via GPS, set off the phone’s alarm, lock it, and remote wipe it. SeekDroid even works if a thief swaps the SIM card. Phone Locator Pro ($3.99) and Where’s My Droid (Free) are also well-regarded Android phone recovery apps.
Similar to Find My iPhone, BlackBerry owners can download the free BlackBerry Protect app to sign up for the service.
Related: How to protect your smartphone from fraud
If your BlackBerry is missing in action, you can log in to a protected website to see the smartphone on a map and remotely scrub its data, so no one can access it. As a proactive measure, BlackBerry Protect – as its name suggests – also lets you wirelessly back-up your contacts, text messages, calendar and bookmarks.
Windows Phone 7
Microsoft offers a free phone location service with its Windows Phone 7 operating system called Find My Phone. Like Apple’s Find My iPhone, Find My Phone is activated through the phone’s Settings page. It allows you to map the location of your missing phone, make it ring, remotely lock it, or erase data. The Find My Phone features are accessed through the Windows “Find My Phone” web page.
How to find a lost Smartphone
You love your smartphone. You never go anywhere without it and you have steadily loaded it up with more and more of your personal data. You have dozens of the latest and greatest apps, and you constantly reach for your phone to play video games, enjoy your favorite TV shows, and occasionally watch a full-length movie.
And then suddenly the unthinkable happens: Your smartphone is lost. Maybe you left it in the back of a taxi cab, or maybe it slipped out of your bag when you were checking in at the airport. Whatever happened, it’s now gone and your indispensable electronic friend has been replaced by a feeling of rising panic and the inevitable question: ‘What do I do now?’
Luckily, several apps have been developed for the sole purpose of finding lost cell phones. You no longer have to wait and hope that someone will find your phone, go through your address book and call up a friend. Now, you can be pro-active and start the search yourself. Here are just a few of the apps that can help:
An easy way to find
Today's mobile devices have evolved into pocket-sized computers, as they can perform many of the same tasks as your PC or Mac – including accessing email, browsing the web, creating work documents and playing games, music and TV shows.
So with all this data you're likely carrying around, it's important to protect it from falling into the wrong hands.
The first thing you should do – as a precautionary measure – is to set up a PIN number or password to gain access to your smartphone. It's a drag to type in a code every time you want to use your phone, but you'll be thankful you did if and when it's lost or stolen.
Related: Five ways your smartphone can save you money
Without knowing this passcode or password, a thief cannot access the phone. They could erase everything, sure, but not access your data. Alternatively, Android devices can be locked by a finger gesture, which may be faster, but the latest Android 4.0 ("Ice Cream Sandwich") smartphones also offer a facial recognition feature – but don't use this as you can fool the camera with a photo of the phone owner.
The second way to protect your information is to set up any of the free "remote access" apps offered by the smartphone makers - and in some cases, third parties. If your phone goes missing, you can remotely log into the phone to track it on a map and work with the authorities to retrieve it (don't try this yourself). You can also remotely lock the phone, display a message, have it ring loudly (in case it's under the cushions) or wipe its data clean.
Here's what you need to do, whether you're on an iPhone, BlackBerry, Android or Windows Phone device.
Related: How to extend smartphone battery life
iPhone users
Find My iPhone is a custom iPhone locator app, which is built into iOS, Apple’s mobile operating system. You go to Settings, tap iCloud, and enable Find My iPhone. Then if you misplace your phone, you can sign in to iCloud from any computer or web-enabled device. The approximate location of your iPhone will be displayed on a map.
With last week’s release of iOS 6, Find My iPhone now includes Lost Mode, which further helps locate and secure a lost device. If your iPhone is missing, you can immediately lock your phone with a 4-digit passcode and send a message that will display a contact number on the home screen of your phone. This enables anyone finding the phone to call you from your locked screen without accessing any other data. While in Lost Mode, the device will also keep track of where it’s been and report back to you anytime you check in with the Find My iPhone app.
Find My iPhone also has security features that will allow you to lock or “wipe” your iPhone if you think it has been stolen or if your efforts to recover it have been unsuccessful. Initiating a remote wipe restores the phone to its factory settings. If you eventually find the phone, then you can recover your contacts and data using the iCloud backup.
Keep in mind that Find My iPhone and Lost Mode will only work if the phone is turned on and connected to a cellular or Wi-Fi network.
Android Users
While there is no custom Google app to help track down a missing Android phone, there are plenty of third-party apps that can do the same job. Perhaps the most comprehensive are two security apps. The first is Lookout, which allows you to track your phone online via GPS, and also remotely lock and wipe your phone if you believe it’s stolen or permanently missing. Lookout Premium (which is the version with the lock and wipe features) is a subscription-based app, which costs $2.99 a month or $29.99 a year. It also comes with backup features and a certain level of virus protection. (There is also a Lookout app for the iPhone.)
The other security app is WaveSecure from McAfee, which offers location and SIM card tracking, backup and restore, and lock and wipe. WaveSecure costs $19.90 a year after a 7 day free trial.
SeekDroid ($2.99) is another app that offers a slew of features for tracking down a lost or stolen Android phone. You can access a web site to locate your device via GPS, set off the phone’s alarm, lock it, and remote wipe it. SeekDroid even works if a thief swaps the SIM card. Phone Locator Pro ($3.99) and Where’s My Droid (Free) are also well-regarded Android phone recovery apps.
Similar to Find My iPhone, BlackBerry owners can download the free BlackBerry Protect app to sign up for the service.
Related: How to protect your smartphone from fraud
If your BlackBerry is missing in action, you can log in to a protected website to see the smartphone on a map and remotely scrub its data, so no one can access it. As a proactive measure, BlackBerry Protect – as its name suggests – also lets you wirelessly back-up your contacts, text messages, calendar and bookmarks.
Windows Phone 7
Microsoft offers a free phone location service with its Windows Phone 7 operating system called Find My Phone. Like Apple’s Find My iPhone, Find My Phone is activated through the phone’s Settings page. It allows you to map the location of your missing phone, make it ring, remotely lock it, or erase data. The Find My Phone features are accessed through the Windows “Find My Phone” web page.
Хаяасан, хулгайлсан, гээсэн утсыг аваад шууд унтраагаад системийг нь солисон тохиолдолд яаж барих вэ? Интернэтэд холбогдохгүй бол яах вэ?
Би нөтбүүкээ булаалгачихлаа. Ямар нэгэн аргаар олох боломж байгаа болов уу. Туслаарай 5 сар 14нд баянбүрдэд булаалгасан
баяраллаа хүнд хэрэгтэй мэдээлэл байна. s4 алдсан одоо утасаа олох гэж үзий даа в
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